Anna Lennhammer Consultancy Services 

Expert advise and project services offered within travel related rules and legislation as well as governance & compliance 

Package travel legislation, air travel rules and travel guarantees

What are your responsibilities as a tour operator according to the Package Travel Directive and how is this interpreted in Sweden and in the Nordic countries? 

What is a linked travel arrangement, LTA, and how is this interpreted?

When does your company need to provide travel guarantees to the Swedish Authorities and how does this work? 

Have you governed your customer information properly? 

Does your company have sufficient liability insurance?  

Marketing and Trademarks 

Which are the legal frames you need to be aware of when marketing and selling your travel services?  Are you aware if the mandatory requirements? Does your company need help with protecting its trademark and logo? 


Are you on top of which information is required to show your compliance with GDPR? Are all Processing Agreements in place? 

Consultancies/Project Leader/A helping hand

I offer consultancy services to companies mainly situated in Scandinavia but also within Europe for shorter projects. 

With many years of experience in leading positions in the industry, I can quickly comprehend and familiarise myself in various travel related issues. 

I am at your service to answer both to single liability questions and suggest solutions and be of a helping hand at site when needed for shorter or longer term governance and compliance projects.